
How do I buy from Power Jacks?

Contact our sales team by email ( or phone (+44 (0)1224 968 968) with details of what you would like to purchase. You will then receive a quotation.

Let us know when you are ready to go ahead with the order by sending a communication with your purchase order. We will confirm receipt of the order and send a sales acknowledgment.

Unless otherwise agreed, first orders on all new accounts will be actioned on a Proforma basis and payment will be due at time of order placement. Upon receipt of payment, the purchase order will be processed and delivery lead time confirmed. Provision of a credit limit will then be reviewed following a credit check. Initial invoices can be paid by credit/debit card as required. Credit card charge applies.

If you already have an account with us, a sales invoice will be issued.

Your order will be produced and delivered as per agreed terms.


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About Power Jacks

Power Jacks is a British design and manufacturing company, based in Scotland, specialising in electro-mechanical actuation, lifting and positioning equipment. The business has 6 complimentary areas of expertise including screw jacks, bevel gearboxes, electric linear actuators, lead screws, planetary roller screws and jacking systems. Our products are engineered to the highest standards and deployed in a multitude of applications in over 80 countries worldwide.

Power Jacks
Kingshill Commercial Park
Prospect Road, Westhill
Aberdeenshire, AB32 6FP
Scotland (UK)

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